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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon and Watermelon Seeds?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon and Watermelon Seeds?

There is nothing like sharing a delicious treat with our best furry friends. During the summer, however, it can be extremely hot and difficult to find tasty treats that will help keep your dog cool. One of the most delicious foods to enjoy during the spring and summer months is a tasty, sweet watermelon. This fruit is perfect for keeping cool and satisfying the taste buds at the same.

If you live with a little furry dog, you might be wondering if your furry friend can indulge in the same tasty treats that you enjoy so much. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. There is quite a bit of information out there about what dogs can and can’t eat. Here is what you need to know to answer the all-important question can dogs eat watermelon.

Watermelon as a Treat

Ultimately, it is safe to give your pup watermelon, though there are a few things you should be aware of before feeding your furry friend the treat. Watermelon is full of incredible vitamins and nutrients that are great for your pup, as well as yourself. Watermelon is also made up mostly of water, so the treat is light and tasty on those sweltering days. If you are ever concerned about what you are feeing your dog, simply ask your veterinarian whether certain foods are safe.

Your dog will probably really enjoy the sweet treat as well since it is tasty and hydrating. Of course, it is always wise to monitor your pup while they enjoy any treat, especially watermelon. You can even sit down with your dog and enjoy a little of the watermelon yourself. Later in the article, we will talk about a great DIY for frozen dog treats made with delicious watermelon, coconut milk, and honey.

What About Rinds and Seeds?

Watermelon is made up of three different parts: the fruit, the rind, and the seeds. Though watermelon is a tasty treat, you should avoid feeding your pup a few parts of the watermelon. The seeds should be avoided. They have been known to cause choking and intestinal issues in many breeds of dog. You should be sure to remove any and all seeds before serving your pup watermelon. There are some seedless watermelons that you might be able to cube up and serve your furry friend.

Likewise, rinds are not suitable for pups to chew on or eat. Rinds are not easy for animals, especially dogs, to digest. They are hard as well, making them quite the choking hazard. Before serving your dog watermelon, you should be sure to remove the rind from the fruit. Another great way to have rind free watermelon is to purchase pre-sliced or cubed watermelon pieces, but you should make sure they are seedless. Many grocery stores sell this kind of watermelon during the summer when the fruit is in season.

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Health Benefits

Believe it or not, there are many health benefits that we can enjoy just from eating watermelon. Full of vitamins and nutrients, watermelon is great for our health. It is also a great source of vitamins and nutrients for your furry pal as well. Watermelon is loaded with potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. For your little pup, watermelon can help boost their overall immune system, helping keep them from getting sick.

On hot days, watermelon can be beneficial to your pup because of the water found in the fruit. This light treat is perfect for keeping your dog cool off, even on the hottest of days. Your pup’s portions should be limited since this treat can cause your dog diarrhea when eaten too much. If you think your dog could benefit from the nutrients found in watermelon, then giving your pup a few slices every once in awhile will not be harmful to your pal. If you are concerned, it is always wise to ask your veterinarian any questions about foods your pup can and cannot eat.

How to Prepare the Treat

When you are preparing a nice little bowl of watermelon for your pup, you need to remember that less is more. Your dog doesn’t need a huge platter of watermelon since fruit is often difficult for animals to digest. If you have a smaller dog, you might want to give them only a few melon cubes. A larger dog might be able to handle a little bit more. It is always best to start with smaller slices and servings when first feeing your dog watermelon. They might not be able to handle the fruit without having an upset stomach.

Before giving your pup their treat, you should remove all seeds and the rind from each watermelon piece. The best way to do this is to either purchase seedless cubed watermelon pieces or seedless watermelons. If you can’t find either, it is just as simple to purchase a regular watermelon, remove the seeds, and remove the fruit from the rind before serving it to your pup. Remember to monitor your pup while they enjoy their tasty treat.

A Little DIY

During extremely hot days, you might want to change up your pup’s treats to help keep them cooler during those warm months. Watermelon is a great treat, yes, but you can take it just one step further to create a splendid concoction to help keep your dog cool and satisfied.

Start by preparing a little watermelon like normal for your pup. Add a little coconut milk, not almond milk since almonds have adverse reactions on your pet, and a little honey with your watermelon to create a nice taste.

Mix your ingredients together, pour it into silicone molds, and pop them into the freezer like shown in this YouTube video. Not only can your pup enjoy these tasty, frozen treats, but you can eat along with them as well.

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These tasty frozen watermelon treats you can serve to your pup all summer long, just don’t forget to remove any seeds and rind before mixing up the tasty treats. 🙂

Anything Else?

If you didn’t know, it is always best to consult with your vet before feeding your dog anything from the kitchen table. However, there are several other fruits and vegetables that your precious pup can enjoy with you, though they should all be eaten in moderation. Just like watermelon, apples and tomatoes are great sources of nutrients and vitamins for your pooch. Remember to remove all seeds or pits from fruits that you feed your dog to ensure that they do not choke or experience toxicity from the seeds.

Just like there are healthy fruits for your dog, there are also some that should be avoided under every circumstance. Grapes, raisins, avocado, and onions are extremely dangerous and toxic to all dogs. These fruits should be avoided no matter what since they can cause serious problems to your pup’s health. Likewise, apricot pits, cherry pits, peach pits, and apple seeds are all toxic to your dog as well, but these fruits are safe for your furry friend to eat, though in moderation.

In Conclusion

Summertime brings with it heat ways and humid weather. For your pup, these summer months can be quite a bummer. Instead of just giving your pup water or ice to help them cool down, you can try a delicious treat that even you might enjoy eating. Watermelon is perfect for your little pup to snack on during the hot summer months. It is full of nutrients, and the water inside the fruit is great for helping hydrate your furry friend. The best part is, you can share your watermelon with your pup as long as you remove the seeds and rinds. Your dog will thank you with a tail wag and a lick.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon and Watermelon Seeds? was last modified: December 6th, 2017 by Lilly Jones
Lilly Jones
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